Fishing in Bolmen

Bolmen is one of the largest lakes I Sweden surrounded by fantastic nature, There are lots of islands and bays to fish in and primarily you can fish for pike, perch and pike-perch. In the lake there are also eel, tench, breem and minnow, The lake Bolmen has a well organized system of ramps for launching of boats. Bolmen is the tenth largest lake in Sweden with an area of 185 km2. It is situated between Småland and Halland, bordered by deep, quiet woods. The closest town is Ljungby, which is situated at the E4 only 20 kilometers from the lake. The lake is 140 meters above sea level and has more than 300 islands. The largest island is Bolmsö which is connected to the mainland with a bridge from one side of the island and with a ferry from the other side (free of charge).

In Bolmen there are more than 24 different kinds of fish and with its many islands and bays it has become a very popular lake to go fishing in. In the lake with its many fish there are lots of opportunities to even catch salmon or trout. There are also lots of predatory fish and there is an especially strong breed of pike, pike-perch and perch and all three of them can become quite large.

The most common fish for anglers to fish for are pike, pike-perch and perch but also burbot, eel, trench and trout can be caught in the lake.

The trip to Bolmen is easy! Bolmen is situated nearby the E4 and road nr 25 between Halmstad and Ljungby and road nr 26 between Halmstad and Jönköping.

Fishing card requirements

To be allowed to fish in Bolmen you need a fishing licence permit. This can be bought digitally or at one of our retailers and are available for a day, a week, a month or alicence permit for a whole year.

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Utöver dina egna vidtagna säkerhetsåtgärder så finns en modern och toppeffektiv sjöräddningsstation på Bolmsös östra strand, ca 3 km söder om bron, som kan bistå. Ring larmnumret 112.